The following include a list of publications. Publications have been organised in chronological order.

One Year Later: A Personal Reflection of Teaching Remotely (2021) IATEFL Teacher Training and Education SIG Newsletter, May 2021.

“A Practical Introduction to Teacher Training in ELT” by John Hughes: Book Review (2020) IATEFL Teacher Training and Education SIG Newsletter, November 2020.

How to Teach English to Young Learners (2015) In-House Publication for an English Institute.

Techniques for Teaching Adolescent Learners (2014) Humanising Language Teaching, Year 16, Issue 4, ISSN 1755-9715.

MA Dissertation into the key principles of Dogme ELT and uptake with students as well as teachers

A Teacher’s Toolkit for Primary & Teenage Young Learners (2013) Young Learner & Teenagers Special Interest Group, Published August 2013

A Guide for Taking English Speaking Tests (2013) Contribution to an eBook for Wall Street English Korea