Experiences of an English Language Teacher


How To Use LinguaHouse Material with Online Lessons

When I first started teaching online back in 2014 with a variety of platforms based in China, most lesson material was rather dry and stale. Many of the educational platforms had their own material organised for lessons and I was required to deliver this rather questionable material to various students who were predominantly based in China.

Despite being involved in creating lessons for online platforms in 2018 and attempting to make more interesting and engaging content for students and teachers, it was still a little challenging to get such material accepted. These days, more entrepreneurial English teachers are attempting to carve out their own niche and offer a variety of courses. For those that use platforms to connect with students, some English teachers still seek out material to help them structure their online lessons, with websites available for teachers to help them with their lesson planning such as LinguaHouse, ESL Brains, and Fluentize.

In this post, I shall be sharing how I source and use LinguaHouse material for my online classes with an example of an intermediate English student based in Mainland China through the platform of Preply.

1. Sourcing Appropriate Material

When planning your lessons for students, it is important to find suitable material that would benefit the student. For example, if you are helping students to pass an examination such as IELTS, then finding relevant material would be beneficial. What I have discovered with LinguaHouse is that they organise material depending on the key focus for lessons, such as Business English, Exam Preparation or General English.

In the example video, I was looking for General English material for the student as they have no desire to pass an exam and are just wanting to develop their fluency. Therefore, I search for material which was more general and would engage the learner, despite the minimal preparation that I left myself for the lesson. As they had recently starting working out at a gym, I thought a sports-related worksheet would engage them.

2. Delivering Material

Once material has been sourced, the tutor must consider how best to go about delivering the content. In the video above, I briefly (perhaps a little too briefly) looked at the different tasks and considered there and then how best to get the student involved in the activities. Having taught the student previously and given a little more time on training them up to speed on the Preply whiteboard, I was confident that the student would be able to complete any tasks set before them with minimal disruption. I would always encourage tutors to consider the best approach and to give any time towards the delivery of any course content by asking the following questions:

  • Has the student completed any previous activities like this before?
  • Will the student be able to follow my instructions so that they can undertake any tasks set?
  • If I try anything new, is the student trained appropriately and effectively with the online tools?

If you are teaching students online, then a little training on the tools is a worthy investment later down the line as students should be able to complete a variety of tasks such as matching, gap-fill or marking stress patterns.

3. Reflect on Your Teaching

One thing that strikes me between teachers who are mediocre and great teachers is the ability for the latter to reflect on their craft. I was very candid with how my lesson went and was very quick at determining how little I prepared prior to the lesson. Perhaps I relied too heavily on the technology working without any anticipation for it not to be so. Anyhow, for those that seek to improve themselves as practitioners, reflection is crucial. The time when one stops reflecting is the time one decides not to be human. I am very candid with my experiences as I genuinely believe that it will improve my ability as a teacher, which is perhaps one reason I do not mind recording and sharing my lessons – I have nothing to hide and we are fortunate in this profession to be amongst many other great individuals.

I hope you enjoyed this post and apologies if this was perhaps a little too candid at times. It is just nice to share my experiences in the hope it benefits others. It was nice to share the material that I use from time to time with online students as well as how I deliver lessons. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Two Favourite Icebreakers for New Classes

Two of my Favourite Icebreakers for New Classes

At the beginning of term or starting a new class can be rather worrisome for both teachers and students. However, I was happy to contribute my favourite ice breaker with Twinkl a few weeks ago, which included some ideas from other English language teachers. I hope that you find the ideas there useful. However, in this post, I am sharing two favourite icebreakers for new classes.

1. Student Name Cards

The first favourite icebreaker that I use for new classes is to get learners to create their own student name cards. I am terrible at names, and this is more so when I have large classes of students. To get around this, I get learners to create their own student name cards which they can then bring to each class and display to all until I (as well as some others) get better at recalling each person’s name.

I hand out a piece of A4 paper to each student and ask them to fold it in half length ways, while also demonstrating to the class. Next, students write their name on the folded paper.  Do not worry if students make any mistakes, such as writing their name but then it being upside down, but hand out another piece of paper for them to continue. The main focus is for students (and teacher) to relax and have fun initially.

The next step is to ask students to draw four things that are important for them on each corner of the name card. Students can be as creative as they wish, but give them around five to ten minutes to complete this. Once students have finished, get them to mingle with each other, introducing themselves and encouraging them to ask potential follow up questions. After giving students enough time to mingle with all, get them sitting back down and then get them to introduce their partner to the rest of the class as well as something interesting about whom they are introducing.

2. Know Your Students

I believe that all teachers should learn as much as possible about before they enter the classroom. This should allow teachers to get to learn about their students and so get to know your students. If you have a new class, I like to share an online Student Survey to all new students and this gives me ample opportunity to learn more about anything that is unique about them.

Some common questions included in the Student Survey could be: ‘What is something that you enjoy doing in your free-time?’, ‘Have you ever met a famous person?’, etc. What you really want to do is find out as much as possible – not just about their language ability or reason for studying – about the students themselves.

Once students have completed the Student Survey, I then personalise a “Find Somebody Who …” task based upon the results of the aforementioned survey. So, if a student has mentioned that they have met a famous person, I would include this in the worksheet. If a student has a unique talent or hobby, I would also incorporate this too. It is probable that students may not know each other, but getting students to share their experiences to the class will ensure a relaxed environment conducive to learning English. Students will obviously be interested in their teacher, so try to include anything unique about yourself into the “Find Somebody Who …” worksheet. Personally, I am happy to share about my musical achievements to the students and it is always nice to include yourself into the activity.

Finally, a possible extension of this is where you can create a quiz for the class to see how much they can remember about each other: “Who has met a famous person?”, “Which student has never travelled abroad?”, etc. You will have all this information available through the online Student Survey and would be easy to create an engaging and relaxing activity for all students to feel comfortable at the beginning of the term or during first classes.

Final Thoughts

You may find some of my favourite get to know you activities in the following post, but feel free to share some of your preferable first lesson activities with new students in the comments.

Teaching Students with Limited Information: Strategies for First Lessons

One of my most popular videos on YouTube is an arranged trial lesson for Preply. I created this video for one purpose: to help other professional online tutors deliver better first lessons to potential students. The video is available below for those that have not seen this. 

I decided to record a real-life, authentic first lesson with a potential student. He booked a first lesson with me but did not share much information about himself, nor about his language goals. I thought this would be the ideal lesson to record and share, to demonstrate how I develop rapport with someone that I have never met before. Furthermore, this was not a pre-arranged trial lesson with a person pretending to be a student but it was authentic as it could be.

In this post, I will be sharing ways to teach students online (but it is also applicable for face-to-face teaching) whom you know nothing about. Read on for more ideas and there is also a video at the end of the post where I share exactly the same scenario with a real-life student.

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Getting an English Teaching Job in South Korea

Getting an English teaching job in South Korea can be fraught with challenges which could include finding a reputable employer, getting the expected remuneration, as well as getting all the documents required for the visa.

In this post, I shall share my personal recommendations for finding and securing an English teaching job in South Korea but feel free to watch the video, from my YouTube Channel, above where I share such insight.

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Online Chat with Tim Warre: Blogger and Materials Developer

I was fortunate enough to have an online chat with Tim Warre, who is a blogger over at Tim’s Free English Lesson Plans and a materials developer. During our recorded chat, we discussed various aspects of English language teaching such as routes into online teaching, the development of AI, an ideal online teaching setup, as well as entrepreneurship.

Grab a coffee and a snack (the recorded chat is just under an hour), and have a listen.

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